Exchangeable cartridges
Champions for auxiliary diesels.
Exchangeable cartridges are the inconspicuous champions of small aggregates. In systems such as auxiliary diesel, heating, compressors, pumps and hydraulics, they ensure smooth operation. In the truest sense of the word.Wide range of products. Extensive know-how. Lots of choice. And always just the right thing.
Fil-Tec Rixen GmbH® cooperates with many different suppliers. That is why a wide range is available for you. From different manufacturers. At different prices. But always exactly the right part.
From our large database and with a lot of know-how, our experts select the right replacement cartridge for you. Because it doesn’t always have to be a 1:1 replacement. Products from other manufacturers can be significantly cheaper. With perfect compatibility – if you know which one fits.
The right choice
Our trained staff and our extensive database will remedy the situation. You tell us the part number. We convert it to fit. With this information alone, we will find the right replacement cartridge for you. From the manufacturer of your choice. At the best price.
You can choose from our wide range of products. Whether original supplier, alternative manufacturer or qualitatively at least as good No name supplier. Depending on your wishes. Depending on your budget.
Filter solutions for the industry
with Fil-Tec Rixen GmbH®
Whether no name product or directly from the manufacturer. Quality. Favorable.

By Fil-Tec Rixen GmbH®
Wide range. Same quality.
Both original equipment manufacturers and suppliers must meet our quality standards. We regularly test the exchangeable cartridges on a random basis in our in-house laboratories. If they do not meet the standards, we do not sell them. This is how we ensure that you can always rely on the best and tested quality from us.
Even if you do not purchase the parts from the original manufacturer but the no name product, you do not have to worry. Through our extensive tests and controls, you do not have to sacrifice quality, nor longevity.